Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Trolling with the Troll Hunters

     Internet trolling.  It's a very popular thing to do nowadays.  It's actually a wonder why it isn't a sport yet.  Must be because of the fact that there aren't enough professionals in this art.  Besides from the art of internet trolling, there is also another art.  This one was AGAINST the art of trolling.  It usually required ex-trollers who  had a change of heart after seeing those who were affected by their troll posts.  But this is also to take revenge against the new trollers who believe that they rule the net now.  These Anti-Trolling Society are known as the TROLL HUNTERS!!

     Haven't really met one in real life though...

     Sucks to be me yet again.  Anyway, I've learned a lot about troll hunters.  To hunt trolls, they do the following steps:

1.   Show the bait
2.   Allow troll to troll

3.   Insult troll

4.   Catch troll

So yeah... Basically Troll Hunters are also trolls... Ok, I think that's a fail for me... Oh well, I made it this far, better keep it.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Stories and Tales

     I don't know how to indent in Blogger.  I just press the space bar 5 times as if making an indent.  But I think that that just sucks.  It seems very barbaric and stoic if one does it that way.  Now try imagining saying those words in an Australian accent.  Amazing isn't it?
     Damn, I just pressed the tab bar again.  I know, this blog isn't instant like Twitter, but hey, I can make stuff I write here longer and with much more sense because there is no need to "read between the lines".  Anyway, I think that I should start a new blog.  I feel like creating stories with a varying theme each week.  It seems interesting and fun to create different stories that are short but sweet.  Meh, I'll think about it.  Anyway, my life seems like a fun thing.  First, I feel like being more daring and failing some more tests.  I already failed one test on purpose(it's easy to get back from that though) so I'm thinking of failing another, YET STILL stay in the honors.  That would prove how amazing I am and my true skills.  Second, I am a respected person.  People don't talk behind my back (weird, considering the type of person I am).  And then there's the fact that whenever people see me, they would at least know me(not by reputation all the time though) and it's quite amazing how people still remember my old nick.
     Well, now about my day.  Well, more of a month since I haven't been able to post for a whole month.  Sucks to be me.  Nothing really happened except for a bunch of random tournaments in chess (in which I never won the prize money) and competitions.  What's awesome though is how my section continues to be the top section.  It's like grade school all over again.  I think that the relationships built in my section made it just the way it is.  We became stronger because of the many different hardships that we had to overcome.  But the mostest weirdest amazingest thing is that, I'm only one of the 2 guys who is still in the annual honors within my section.  Cool...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Thesises? Thesi? Theses? Thesaurus!

Dear Blogger,

     What kind of person in his sane mind would start with that kind of opening sentence?


Today, I actually did practically NOTHING AT ALL! Sure, I did the thesis and all but come on, that was really boring.  I also did my homework in Filipino, but still not an achievement.  I feel so empty today, but I sure as hell ain't going out for my SS PT.  I can't commute home from that place.  And my dad won't change my 500 bill, so yeah, sucks.  For me, that is.  To continue.  I was so bored at home because I didn't do anything at all.  This whole thesis thing is getting boring.  But, just now, I know what to do.  I'll make plans for creating an Ark.  Not like Noah's ark.  More like an Eden ark, where it is paradise.  Of course, it would only be sustained if no one could access it.  Oh boy, here we go for work...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Updates and Updating

       Woah! Blogger had a major update while I was away! And Facebook also had that update regarding the news feed yesterday.  Oh yeah, I also joined Google+ as one of the first few public users.  Of course, I'm not a beta tester (I don't want to try it out at its starting stage, taking care of babies suck) that's why the account I made is very new, but the Gmail used for it is really old already.  I mean, come on, who doesn't have a Gmail? It's like not having a Yahoo mail.  Well anyway, this way of typing in the new blogger feels like a scribd article or something.  Those reading this arty (Wow! That sounds totally lame.) should try out Blogger.  Goddamn interface!  I don't know whether to make my article longer or shorter.  Well anyway, my introductory paragraph is over anyway.  Too much ranting, just so you know.

       Well now, the title of my blog is "Updates and Updating" for a reason.  First part is that there are so many updates happening on the internet nowadays! There's also the updates for my consoles so that they still stay top class.  And then there's the updating.  When I say updating, I mean the reassurance of my networks and patch updates for my Online Game.  There's also the fact the I update my social networks daily now because of (Tada!) Google+'s easy scheme of things!  It looks so much better than Facebook, I got to say.  You can block comments on your posts, have video chat, and edit your pics.  So much advantage.  Anyway, to get back to the topic at hand,  I need to update my PSP.  I mean games for it.  And I don't know what to add.   This sort of problem couldn't be solved that easily anyway.  Choosing a video game for me is always long and arduous hard work.  Sucks to be a video game connosieur. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

What Is Destiny?

   Wow, the title of my blog seems like something that lovesick geeks or conspiracy theorists will search of.  There's also the chance that it won't be the first thing they find, but some Wikipedia page or some more popular information website.  It might also appear in Yahoo! Answers or Dictionary.com, sometimes even its equivalent, Wiktionary.  But you see, the title of this story I have today is so people can find it more easily (25 reasons why I like pickles is still my favorite and easiest to find) and it has both the romantic and scientific parts that I've always wanted to say in a story.  So why don't I begin it now.
   Destiny.  The very words itself seem like chocolate to my ears, especially if I'm the one saying it, because of the way that it shows how seven letters that are both shallow and deep.  In the Wiktionary, it's means that it is the fixed order of things; an invincible necessity; fate, while in Dictionary.com, it means something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing. Simply enough, the meaning of destiny according to these people is an event meant to happen.  But that doesn't seem right.  You can't exactly know that an event is supposed to happen unless you artificially influence it.  That is the only way for destiny to be true to its words.  So what about coincidences, luck, and karma.  Aren't they part of destiny too?  In fact, being born is part of destiny too.  So, what can we say is the true meaning of destiny?
   Let's look at it in a mathematical way.
                                                   Destiny = Fate.
                                                   Fate = Luck + Karma.
                                                   Karma = Good/Bad.
                                                   Luck = 8.
Therefore,   Destiny = 8 +(Good/Bad)
If you're wondering what this means, it means that if you get a number = 8, then that means that your destiny would be bad.  If it goes above 8 but below 9,  your destiny would be neutral.  And if you got more than 9 points,  you're destiny would be good.  Scientifically, i am saying that your chances of coincidences are a lot, you usually just don't notice them.
   Now, I want to tell of a piece of destiny of mine.  I was doing an analysis of the president's speech, and when I was done, I saw that the number of words that I have written were 666.  Ironic isn't it?  I have another tale of destiny.  Now, this destiny, is about how I met someone who I hadn't seen in a long time.  Her, yes her, name was Althea.  She was my busmate back when I was in grade 5.  Now, most people who have read that part would think that "Oh, a love story" or "Ahh, somebody this guy used to like, and now he's talking about it" or maybe even "That's probably his first crush or something".  Now, THEY'RE ALL WRONG.  She was the girl who bullied me physically.  No, not sexual harrasment, she was punching me.  But it can't really be considered bullying since, well, I am 5'9" and she was, I don't know, a 5' or a 5'2".  And I am fat.  So really, it wasn't that big of a problem.  And here comes the story.  I met her again. At the grocery.  And she was carrying a baby.  I was like "WTF! She has a younger sister already."  And then I remembered it.  The times that she beat me up and it hurt, and the times when I would admire her for her strength.  Somebody who was actually perceived by me as cool.  And as a girl.  She was like the most badass girl I had ever met.  But she had failing grades.  And a bad attitude too.  So she had to move to another school.  But, the piece of destiny I saw there wasn't us meeting, because we didn't talk at all (in fact, I don't think she recognized me) but rather the fact that she has a younger sister means that she is learning all about responsibility.  And I don't mean school responsibility, but life responsibility.  This is how I had seen destiny.
    Anyway, I'm am going to end this now.  The understanding of destiny I have come up with is that is a specially creates turn of events created by you yourself using your luck and karma to influence what is happening around you.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blazblue: Calamity Trigger PSP Review redux

Visuals: 2/5
Music: 4.5/5
Gameplay: 4.5/5
Menu Interface: 3/5
Story: 3/5

Basically, it graphics suck, but at least they're good enough.  The music is incredible since you could get along with the beat while fighting with the opponents.  In fact, fighting is smooth.  Using special techniques is easy to pull off but combos are almost non-existent, unless you consider spamming the 3 same moves over and over for an unlimited chain as a combo.  The menu is easy to look at and doesn't strain the eyes, but the problem is that it goes around in circles.  Finally, the story is average.  The whole time repeats itself thing is confusing and how only Rachel remembers stuff.  And then there's V-13.  Anyway, here's a video link from Youtube with the opening. Rights reserveed to Youtube and the uploader.  

Saturday, July 16, 2011

25 Reasons Why I like Pickles

1. They taste good
2. They are cucumbers
3. They are sliced cucumbers
4. They are cucumbers preserved in water (or vinegar)
5. They taste salty
6. They taste sweet
7. They can taste both at the same time
8. They taste sour
9. They are inexplicably sour
10. They taste good cause they're sour
11. They promote world peace
12. Obama won because of it
13. Kangaroos jump because of them
14. Charles Dickens wouldn't have written a Christmas Carol without it
15. The phrase "Blah, Blah, Blah" was created because of it
16. It's way of preservation was derived from mummification
17. They're not used in porn movies
18. They're green
19. John Wilkes Booth was caught because of it
20. Nelson Mandela became popular due to it
21. Harry Potter was able to kill Lord Voldemort after eating pickles
22. It's the last name of Tommy in Rugrats
23. It has the word 'Pick' in it
24. It has the French word 'Les' in it, which in English translates to 'The'
25. They're cooked while inside the bottle

10 Reasons on why I'm better than you

10.  I was born this way

9.   You suck

8.   I know Kung Fu, Karate, Kali, Judo, Boxing, and Grappling

7.   I own this blog, you don't (unless you hack it illegally, making you own it, only illegally)

6.   My favorite foods start with a p.  Peanuts, Pickles, Prunes, Pears, Pineapples, and Peas (It's real fact)

5.   You read this blog

4.   I make this blog

3.   My little brother actually listens to me and does what I tell him to do, however crazy it is

2.   Either you're a Joseph, a George, a Bob, a Walter, or a Mark

1.  You're not me

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Blog Screen

This is a picture of my blog's screen.  See those cute puppies? See that cute explosion? Yup, that's in my blog.
     Today, has been the most normalest day I've ever had.  Yes, screen, normalest is not a real word.  Anyway, I have joined the newspaper club of my school.  Someone like me would usually never do that, but since my original club, The Robotics Club, has been disbanded due to a lack of a moderator, I have no other choice but to join another club.  And this is the club that came to mind, since it was my club in elementary.  Right now, I need to make a feature article that would fit the description of a "Feature Article".  It needs to be an actual feature story and I only have three choices of stories to choose from as my test.  The 40th year anniversary of my school, School athletes, and the Fun Run.  I feel so screwed since the only article that would seem plausible enough to be read normally in a newspaper is the one for the Ruby Anniversary.  I just need to decide on the title and how I'm going to make it work and how to write it as a feature article.  I need to be able to retrace my steps back into how I have done things back then.  Except this time, I'm a feature writer and not a proofreader.

     Anyway, I just got to say why this is a really normalest day for me.  Yes, normalest really isn't a real word, since the superlative form of normal would be most normal.  This day started with me waking up and me rushing to let all my shit out before the bus came.  Yes, that was totally normal.  Then came the time I had to rush for my TLE since I made a mistake in what I was doing and smudged the line.  Totally normal for a person to make mistakes.  Finally, I was able to actually study in a moving vehicle because of my desperation to study for the tests tomorrow.  And here I am, sitting on a chair, typing away on my laptop about my life.  Oh well, at least I was able to study most of the things I needed to study.  And that is normal.  So that is why today was the normalest day for me.  I mean, it's not my fault I'm such a great student each and every day.  That is why today was the normalest day for me.

QOTD:  "And so the truth was unveiled"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bigfoot Watch, Sasqwatch, Sasquatch

Bigfoot Watch, Sasqwatch, Sasquatch

Just saw this on the internet. It looks awesome. I mean, it's a pun of sasquatch and watch so it sounds funny. Click the link and see for yourself.
No, this isn't some form of advertising for Sasqwatches. This is just a blog for me to ponder upon my Cryptozoological research. I mean, sure, it's hard to do original research
But still, it would be awesome if I can do my own original research. Original Research is if I go to the place itself and try to find what I'm finding and not use what other people
did during their time. Doing Original research needs funding, that's why I'm saving up my allowance for a trip to Vietnam for my study of Primitive men. I don't mean Vietnamese
people, I mean those legends of a forest man living in a (duh!) forest.

In other stories, I was finally able to bring my Ipod Touch to school. Yes, It is douchey of me to show it to my friends at the last minute, but still, It's not about the MP3 Player, It's about the earphones. Blue Titan Skullcandy looks awesome, and feels awesome in my ears. I'm gonna go charge it tomorrow so I can bring it to school again since my "Friends" want to borrow it. And then there's the earphones. Still awesome for me! And it has the word "Titan". The titans were awesome before the Titanomachy. They were gigantic Gods who had incredible power over all of nature. I'm still wondering how they got beaten by the Olympians. Better ponder on that later.

Currently donwloading Itunes so I could transfer my music to my Ipod Touch. But it didn't save. Fuuuu! Oh well, just going to download it tomorrow morning when the internet is fast. Maybe it'll take about 30 min - 1 hour. And that's already fast. Anyway, this is my last paragraph since I'm just ranting anyway. And before I forget:

QOTD: Bigfoot is a Sasquatch? No wonder he knows when to show up!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Scientific Stuff is Boring...Unless it involves Explosions...

   According to survivalists, Sulfur and Phosphorous rubbed, create fire.  Even in ancient times, stones were rubbed to make a spark to help in making fire.  Today, we humans have more...Interesting uses for flames.  Some use it to cook stuff in a microwave.  Some use it to burn wood.  The other ones who use it use it for burning Marijuana, otherwise known as weed.

  For true scientists who actually look at science as fun stuff, fire isn't just some reaction of oxygen and some elements. It's a miracle of life, meant to bring awesome effects in movies and in real life.  It is not meant for war, it is for the peace of mind of a person, who will see the incredible flight of fire in the air.

Go to fullsize image
  Yup, That is the simplicity of life. Explosions. Simple. Easy to do. Amazing. Scientific.

QOTD: Oops I did it again! - Britney Spears

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gods Eater Burst Review

What did you expect? A review of the game Gods Eater Burst? Face it, Its a time consuming game to finish everything for it to be decent enough to be reviewed.  And I still haven't played it in multiplayer.  What's in here would be a blank space and a picture of a puppies and peanuts



Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pokemon White Review

      It may have been almost a month since it's release, but Pokemon Black & White is still hot on the charts.  Right now, I have the review for Pokemon White, since it's the only one I have, but Black will be up soon when I have it. Anyway, time for the review.

The Graphics - The graphics system it's using seems to be fair, but most people see it might think of it as bad.  But when compared to older Pokemon games, it is actually an improvement.  The 3D is much better used in this game and sometimes the view changes letting you see other parts of the world in certain aspects of the game. 

The Battle Interface - The way you fight is simple. Select from four moves that you have on your Pokemon and watch as your Pokemon uses that move.  The first one who KO's his opponent wins. The color rendition for the interface is also well balanced.  The red and white background mixes well with the move selection border that is color white.  Now, for the upper screen, most people would think that the graphics for your Pokemon is bad since it looks pixelized. Actually, it only appears like that since the Pokemon are moving, unlike previous games where they stayed put and looked lifeless.

The Music - This game actually has a musical selection.  There are people playing instrument all over the world that you can talk to and their instrument will play along with your background music.  Also, the transition of music when fighting different types of trainers is awesome since they match what kind of the trainer you're fighting.  Another note is the Champion battle.  It has one of the best sounds when you're fighting that you'll actually get pumped up!

The Menu Interface - The menu has become smaller, now only featuring 6 boxes instead of the usual 7.  Notably gone are the Pokegear buttons for HGSS and the Exit buttons featured in the older games.  But with it's losses comes a better interface that is smoother to use and cooler to look at.  The Save feature is one to be noted because when you save, there is a save bar at the bottom and your party Pokemon are seen while saving.

The Story - Pretty basic story.  Fight all the Gym leaders, Save the World, Beat the Champion, And your done with the game.  But there is something different.  After you beat the Champion and go to the League to fight him again, you get to fight a different Champion.  Turns out the previous champion was one of the bad guys so, he won't be appearing again. Oh well.

The Post Game - Compared to other Pokemon games, there's not really much to do after you finish the game.  Sure, you can catch all the Legendaries, but there aren't really that much of them and most of them take only 3-5 Ultra Balls or Dusk Balls after they've been reduced to 1 HP.  You can also choose to fight the Champion of the Sinnoh league, Cynthia, but she's more powerful than you at this point. Or you can also fight the creator of the game but he's also strong. So better be prepared.

Overall- The game is good, just not that much replay value.  Still, it's a must have for all the Pokeplayers out there who just love Multiplayer.  Game gets a 7.5/10 from me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Defined

     Valentine's Day today.  But for me, It's time to get my money. And pay the money I owe...  Damn, that's equals to zero gain zero loss...Sucks...

     Today, I was finally able to share the new mail forum with my groupmates.  Finally, they access to the Thesis I uploaded and stuff.  Good thing they don't know that I actually update a blog.  If they read my previous posts, I am so gonna die.  It has like, some of my secrets.  And Dani is officially my crush.  Yes, I got that idea from Kevin.  And yes, I blame myself for liking the same girl.  Jesus, It's not my fault she caught my attention with her beautiful eyes.  And her long hair.  And her incredible personality.  And her kind attitude.  And her strong, powerful, insults.  Yeah, that last part works for me.

     Too much info.  Anyway, it seems Sleepyfans is officialy down.  Bakuman fever seems to be (pardon the pun) getting cured.  Even don't seem to be reading Bakuman anymore since most awesome reading sites are down.  I would have been happy if Mangafox was down.  But no, they took down Onemanga.com and left it to rot so nobody would use it.  Filthy American Publishers.  If only they updated their manga released in the US, people would have brought their manga.  CURSE YOU!!!!

     New news, Joseph Tan(Mr. Philosopher) is now an official admin of my group.  He got it going on in his mind and he has already been influenced by my genius.  He seems to be the Logic type and can spot errors easily and makes good judgement.  But the problem is, he's just not too aware of his surroundings.  That could be fixed.  Currently, he is handling the Hack and Crack section.  Now all I've got to find is someone who will handle the Disguise and Infiltrate section and the Brash Arm section.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Another Ridiculously Long Title for Another Ridiculously Long Week of My Life

     So, notes for today.  Today is the batch cheering competition for my school.  JUNIORS won.  Yup, that's my batch. In fact, I have a picture of our banner:
     Hell Yeah!! I've finally added a picture to one of my posts.  Now this blog seems to be actually working.  Funny thing about the cheering competition is that the Seniors only got 3rd place or 2nd Runner up.  The Sophomores totally beat them.  Maybe it's 'cause they had an injury so some of their stunts failed.  But still, my batch won.  I am a Junior.
      Anyway, I did the craziest thing that I could ever think of in the name of love, and the Faction of Kevin.  He gave me a mission to tell his special someone that we need stubs to buy stuff at school on that day(because there was like a carnival theme on that day) and I added a little something and said that it came from him.  I gave 50 pesos worth of stubs.  I would have given a hundred but, well, I am quite selfish.  And now I've thought of something to help them.  I don't care how hard what I'm trying to do this.  I'll find a way to get them together even if both doesn't want it.  I can just sense it in them.  The roles of the King and the Queen.  For the Jack will always win.  That last line made no sense.  Must stop playing too much poker.  Anyway the next plan is on Valentine's Day.  It might actually work this time around.  I'll buy flowers, ask Kevin to make a note, leave it on Dani's chair.  Perfect.  Almost, if I get her chair right.  So I need to plan WAY ahead of time.
     Finally, I have to plan for my next week.  There's homework I'm not doing(OH NOsh!) and projects. So I need to control my computer use and start doing more mind training and late nighters.  Oh boy, how a sad life I live.  On a brighter side,  I learned that my classmate likes using Morrigan in MvC.  So I got to find a way to utilize my Dhalsim combos against her.  YES, it's a HER boys.  My classmate, that is.  Must. Prove. Worth. In. Fighting. Games.  And so here's a picture of Morrigan Aensland, who came from Darkstalkers, and was featured in many fighting games too:

     QOTD: Yup, that is definitely hot - Me holding a metal stick dipped in fire.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ahh... Life

      Back again in blogger.  Totally forgot about this site.  It's an awesome place like an online diary that I can use.  And no, I'm not afraid of using this diary as a means to express myself. You know why?  CAUSE IT'S FREAKING AWESOME TO READ YOUR OWN LOGS!!!!!! Yeah, seriously.  Though this diary is better staying as a life dairy rather than a game designer's one.  It's so much more easier to handle.
      Anyway, I'm here to talk about the most fascinating question in the world ever asked to me.  How do you know if a girl likes you?  Yeah, that question.  Casey asked me that, so I thought it was interesting.  When I was answering the question, the only thing I could think of is a stare. Or a quick look. Both sexes do that.  A stare or a quick look is like saying that you like that person.  Then last monday, I asked my group mates in TLE.  Specifically the girls. Or Dani and Eriko.  Only Eriko answered but I forgot the answer.  I need to remember it.  I searched for it in the internet.  It makes sense, but I need to know more about it in real life.  What if I ask Dani?  I asked her if she still liked Kevin and she said no.  And she said it's the monthsary.  Monthsary of her ending her cruch for Kevin? Well, That sucks.  I'll definitely ask her.  And create a way for her and Kevin to get together.  After all, I am the 8th Overlord of Existence.  I also read that eye contact is a sign.  But I don't think so.  I can maintain good eye contact with anyone and it doesn't seem to be awkward or anything. hmm... Got to research some more.

      Finally, Quote of the Day.  This one is from me for a good tag-line for the Juniors if we ever use a tarpaulin and it has an awesome quote:
Ice so Cold, It Burns