Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Stories and Tales

     I don't know how to indent in Blogger.  I just press the space bar 5 times as if making an indent.  But I think that that just sucks.  It seems very barbaric and stoic if one does it that way.  Now try imagining saying those words in an Australian accent.  Amazing isn't it?
     Damn, I just pressed the tab bar again.  I know, this blog isn't instant like Twitter, but hey, I can make stuff I write here longer and with much more sense because there is no need to "read between the lines".  Anyway, I think that I should start a new blog.  I feel like creating stories with a varying theme each week.  It seems interesting and fun to create different stories that are short but sweet.  Meh, I'll think about it.  Anyway, my life seems like a fun thing.  First, I feel like being more daring and failing some more tests.  I already failed one test on purpose(it's easy to get back from that though) so I'm thinking of failing another, YET STILL stay in the honors.  That would prove how amazing I am and my true skills.  Second, I am a respected person.  People don't talk behind my back (weird, considering the type of person I am).  And then there's the fact that whenever people see me, they would at least know me(not by reputation all the time though) and it's quite amazing how people still remember my old nick.
     Well, now about my day.  Well, more of a month since I haven't been able to post for a whole month.  Sucks to be me.  Nothing really happened except for a bunch of random tournaments in chess (in which I never won the prize money) and competitions.  What's awesome though is how my section continues to be the top section.  It's like grade school all over again.  I think that the relationships built in my section made it just the way it is.  We became stronger because of the many different hardships that we had to overcome.  But the mostest weirdest amazingest thing is that, I'm only one of the 2 guys who is still in the annual honors within my section.  Cool...

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