Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Theories on Dreaming

     So recently, I entered Lucid dreaming.  It wasn't exactly new to me, but it was the second version that was weird.  When I entered my dream, everything was normal.  I'd do what somebody in a dream where you could do whatever you want, like play video games that haven't even been created yet.  Now the next part is strange.  I went to sleep in this dream.  Then, I thought I woke up.  But when I looked around, I could control it. Also, the symbols on my clock were weird.  In short, I entered a dream within a dream.  It sounds like the title of an Edgar Allan Poe title, cause it is.  Now, I knew I was dreaming within a dream, but unlike lucid dreaming, I couldn't control anything here.  It wasn't a false awakening, of that I am sure of, because I could move and see things clearly.  But everything else was wrong.  Voices were muffled, Time was distorted, even the temperature felt weird, it was like feeling both hot and cold at the same time yet feeling neither.  Most dream states are hard to remember, but this one vanished completely off my mind.  I don't remember what I exactly did, but I only knew I was dreaming within my dream.  It was like I stood up in the dream, and then I woke up in real life.  This leads me to thinking about some theories on dreaming and the state of the mind.  The first theory is that dreams are more than just our subconscious mind.  If we could control it, we are conscious right? Then that means that we aren't in our subconscious.  The second theory revolves around memories and telepathy.  If I went into another dream state, am I still in my dream? or am I in another person's dream? also, what if I just accessed a memory of mine or maybe a previous dream? Does that mean I can literally look into the past?  These theories only provide questions and not answers.  If anybody reading these has an idea, try sharing them with me.  Maybe we could study more about the human mind with these dreams.

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