Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Something about a band?

Today, was a not-so-boring-though-still-boring day. Incredible right? Yeah cause I do not know what to do. Well, today, I had made the second day page of my 15 day memoir. See, I still spelt it right! Man, It was one of my shorter notes(out of 2). Hey wait a minute! It' Sunday! That probably explains the weird feeling I have right now. All that I did today was go to the mall. I know I'm being rhetorical, but I've seriously got to tell everyone that I can't find Spawn#200. I like went to the comic book store to find Spawn and buy it. But NO. It was so not there. Then I went to the record store to find Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys. And it was also NOT there! Wouldn't you be pissed if you were me?
Anyway, I pretty much had nothing to do today. Though there is something I should ask my classmates or people from Section 1. It's about who the chick in the play was that Bill found hot and that others(Ethan, Angelico "Angel", Random Guy # 3). Well, I got nothing else to say so, Out for now...

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