Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Funny Day filled with Mishaps(WTF that is), Mistakes, and Chicken or Egg Arguments

Seriously, I have so much too say about this day. Let's start to when I got to school. We were discussing the play and I kept on saying that the opening was the best part. Trust me, It was good for perverts like me. Still, the play was pretty good except for the parts were they were trying to make it funny. It was a freaking tragedy, NOT a comedy. I also went to school early expecting us to do the Chemistry PT. But it was actually still on Thursday. Damn, that sucks. During lunch, there was a fried ice cream store. We wanted to go buy ice cream but the line was long. Still, George wanted to buy, but he didn't have enough money. So he told Tan for some money, he will buy ice cream, and they will share it. Gay move. FAIL.
After Lunch, Me and Tan went to our Physical Education class. Since our teacher was not yet there and we were bored, some classmates of ours and us were having an argument about which came first, the chicken or the egg? I said that since Dinosaurs laid eggs, the egg came first. Another said that It was a chicken egg we were talking about, so the chicken came first. Then, we talked about how chickens and dinosaurs were related and if we go to a restaurant we'd like order a Modern Day T-Rex. Yeah, it was totally like that. Then, We had free time. But I had to go assist my classmate take his make-up exam in PE. So he would get a better grade. After that, Geometry. We had the elimination for the Math quiz bee. I got a score of 26. The highest in our class was 48. And obviously, It was Casey.
Recess time was boring. I got almost nothing to do except to write 15 Days of My Life.
But some people were playing with fire at the back of the room so I went there. But it was still boring. Then, finally it was Chemistry. We studied about oxidizing and reducing agents. We also had a lesson about conversion. After that, we practiced for our magic show. There was this event where we used the good ol' volcano reaction. It was good. We also did a rocket show with Mentos and Coke. Sometimes it exploded, at other times, it did not. Then, we tried doing some fire tricks. Our leader lit a piece of paper with alcohol up and she took of the fire with one blow. One of the funnier parts of what happened during that time is how the fire can't be put out and was spreading. Then, the paper was blow away with the fire to my other classmates skirt. I was like laughing because of how much of a fail it was. And the usual things happened until class ended. And then it was dismissal time. I went down and got my other stuff from the locker. I was with some friends, discussing random stuff. I searched for Bystander and Observer downstairs but they weren't there yet. Then I found them and discussed about the gifts we were going to give to each other.
Oh well, that's pretty much my day. Yeah sure, They're saying I got a crush on a classmate of mine but, well, it's not really true. She, like, well, is kind of annoying but in a funny way. And she's got a boyfriend. Besides, I like myself better and my amazing genius. I've got too much pride to like somebody else.

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