Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Friday, November 26, 2010

What a Day

Woah! I don't know if I'm going to be pissed or happy about today. So much happened, but I was not able to record it on my phone. You see, I have a phone diary, but it takes space on my phone so I wasn't able to record anything today. And so I'm going to state my reasons on whether I should be happy or pissed.
A while ago, I was able to submit my TLE project. Sure, It didn't work, but hell it was some pure hard work. And nobody can beat Karl magic. Another thing that made me happy was during our geometry subject. I felt like I opened my Seal of Mind during that time. In fact, until now, I could still remember stuff from a while ago. It was like, my mind was opened. But I'm not sure if this will last long. My seal usually closes in 4 days. After that, my mind would be closed once again and I'll need to enter a meditational trance. Anyway, one really cool thing that happened today is my whole class watching the Dramafest. It was INCREDIBLE. The 4th years presented a really long dramatic play. In fact, I liked their story, and the acting was good. The 2nd years presented an old story, The Dancers. It was good, but I felt like some plot poins were not emphasized enough. The 1st years presented The World is an Apple. It was actually a great story, but their stage designs sucked. Yes, it looked cool, but using projections from a monitor, it would make it shine to much, and we can't see properly. FINALLY, my year level, my batch, the Juniors, the 3rd years. We actually won the overall play competition. It was most probably because of the opening sequence. There, the main characters were dancing with
back-up dancers. And guess what, the back-up dancers were hot. Man, even my first year
club-mates were talking about it with me. They said the dancers were really hot. And 5 people there were my classmates. Yeah, awesome right?
Now, I could be pissed because of my bus mate. He went home. Now, our bus driver did not know it. He was not informed that our bus mate had fever and went home. We waited until 6 in school, went out of the school and waited for permission if we can his parents pick him up. Then we went back to school, only to find out what I said earlier. When we tried to go home again, there was so much traffic. I was so pissed of at my bus mate that I want to strangle him. But he wasn't there. So I can't try to take him on. And I got home at 7:30. Damn.
And that's what happened to me.

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