Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why I hate Wednesdays

     Everything has a reason of existence.  Birds exist to pollinate trees, and trees exist to shelter birds.  Sugar exists to make food less salty, and salt exists to lessen the sweetness.  This is totally true of many things, except Wednesday.  Why does it exist? To be a beacon of despair for us, silently screaming the week isn't over yet.  Why is it in such a place? To tell us how weak we are and that we should die instead. Or is it simply just the middle of the week, the one that separates the beginning from the end. The barrier that explains all we don't want to be explained.  Either way, Wednesday is such a pain in the ass.

     Here I am again, complaining about the little things we should be thankful for.  Without Wednesday, we would only have 6 days in a week, makings each week shorter, and each day longer.  Wednesday is a blessing in disguise, giving us despair in the beginning but hope in the end.  It is such an awesome but rather awkward day.  I am so confused about Wednesday.

Friday, September 7, 2012


You know that sadness you feel? The one you keep deep inside you. The one you can't let out because others would see it. You keep that sadness because it motivates you. It makes you remember. All the pain, sorrow, and regret. All of it is one big ball of despair inside you. You decide to keep it because you could. You could feel it inside you trying to come out, but it won't because you know what it feels like to let it out. You're afraid to let it out. You don't want people to know what's on the inside. You don't want to  show the world what is truly happening to you. It's because you're afraid. For them, for yourself. You're afraid of what you can do, and what you won't do. You're afraid of what people would say when they see you. It's not that it hurts. It hurts much more than that. Knowing the girl you like like someone else. Knowing how meaningless your life actually is. Knowing how such a tiny speck you are in the world. It is the only thing you can do. To know. It's the only thing that you can keep.  It's the object that helps keep you from exploding or breaking down. It help keep your emotions under control. And do you know why? It's because you know.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Theories on Dreaming

     So recently, I entered Lucid dreaming.  It wasn't exactly new to me, but it was the second version that was weird.  When I entered my dream, everything was normal.  I'd do what somebody in a dream where you could do whatever you want, like play video games that haven't even been created yet.  Now the next part is strange.  I went to sleep in this dream.  Then, I thought I woke up.  But when I looked around, I could control it. Also, the symbols on my clock were weird.  In short, I entered a dream within a dream.  It sounds like the title of an Edgar Allan Poe title, cause it is.  Now, I knew I was dreaming within a dream, but unlike lucid dreaming, I couldn't control anything here.  It wasn't a false awakening, of that I am sure of, because I could move and see things clearly.  But everything else was wrong.  Voices were muffled, Time was distorted, even the temperature felt weird, it was like feeling both hot and cold at the same time yet feeling neither.  Most dream states are hard to remember, but this one vanished completely off my mind.  I don't remember what I exactly did, but I only knew I was dreaming within my dream.  It was like I stood up in the dream, and then I woke up in real life.  This leads me to thinking about some theories on dreaming and the state of the mind.  The first theory is that dreams are more than just our subconscious mind.  If we could control it, we are conscious right? Then that means that we aren't in our subconscious.  The second theory revolves around memories and telepathy.  If I went into another dream state, am I still in my dream? or am I in another person's dream? also, what if I just accessed a memory of mine or maybe a previous dream? Does that mean I can literally look into the past?  These theories only provide questions and not answers.  If anybody reading these has an idea, try sharing them with me.  Maybe we could study more about the human mind with these dreams.

I Lied (extended version)

     Approximately, I haven't been able to make a post every week ever since I started.  It's because I'm being lazy and I couldn't think of anymore stories to write.  This is the problem of being a freelance writer.  If you're lazy, you won't get views, or be able to make money.  Creating ideas from scratch isn't such an easy task because of the fact that other people might sue you for copyright infringement or stealing their intellectual property.  I have had many ideas over time regarding political systems, apocalyptic stories, and simple children's tales.  Most of these already have works so it's pretty hard being original.  To be able to satisfy everyone, I'll just add links (hope so) and comments to works that are relevant to the story I'm making.  The goal of this blog, Once a Week, is to be able to create a new story, a new idea, every week that satisfies a hidden craving a person may have regarding their inner persona.  It also gives them time to think of the hidden stories within the story as a whole.  Every work may vary, but some may be related to another.  This is why I'm revamping the way I write stories, so fans of short stories won't have a problem with reading an exciting tale that takes up only a minute or two of your time.

     Another reason I'm making this post is so that all those who are accidentally redirected here to my blog can help me.  If you just saw this by accident, then please mind reading the next few words.  Try to leave comments or ideas on what kind of story you want.  Would you like an adventure beyond time? Maybe a romantic story; or, for those among us who are tired of the same happy ending, you could ask me to make a story with a tragic ending, or even better, a demented ending.  So just throw some ideas at me if you can, but you won't really get anything in return besides from your story being published.

    Now this is an extended version of the original post form the other blog I made.  If you want some help regarding ideas for some sort of business meeting or school project, try me.  I just might help you.  Why you ask? Because I'm a genius who has too much free time.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Back Again

It's been quite some time since I last used this site.  I can't believe I've been gone for so long that it's been more than a month since I last posted.  And I can't believe how fast time goes, and how slow life is.  It's just 3 weeks till my graduation day.  And I've still got a lot to learn.  I already have Moby-Dick as part of my new literature. I need to catch up on my classics or else the contemporary era litt will be stuck on my mind.  That's just how it goes when you're studying different topics at the same time.  Literature and Science are the most interesting topics for me as of now because of how vast they truly are.  For science, it seems that I've got a lot more to learn in astronomy.  There's also the laws of astral physics, which are slightly different from normal physics, besides from the fact that it's on earth.  Thanks to our English teacher, Litt has become more interesting a subject, and yes, Literature's shortcut is Litt.  

My life seems to be going well now.  It's moving slow, but it's well.  I have no qualms, but I do have high ambitions.  My standards are too extreme even for my own.  That's why I use more of my luck rather than my skill when I want to achieve something.  It's because luck factors more for me than the actual skill I have.  Even though I have enough skill to do what everyone can do, I don't have enough of it to become the best.  That is where I am lacking, so I make up for it with my luck.  In fact, my luck can even be considered a superpower because of the situation that my luck suddenly kicks in.  And it usually happens during the most important events when I need it.  But as my graduation comes,  I may need all my luck, skill, and focus to graduate with honors.  I feel my dark side coming closer.  I'm only doing small stuff now, but later I know I'll do large stuff.  I need to control my emotions and not let other people dictate it for me.

I need to make a review of a video game.  I'll find an old video game that's considered a classic and make a review out of it.  If I make a good review, the game deserves to be on the hit list of best video games of all time.  It would help other people decide what game to buy and how to play it.  It could teach people on the difference of a good game, a great game, and a popular game.