Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Back Again

It's been quite some time since I last used this site.  I can't believe I've been gone for so long that it's been more than a month since I last posted.  And I can't believe how fast time goes, and how slow life is.  It's just 3 weeks till my graduation day.  And I've still got a lot to learn.  I already have Moby-Dick as part of my new literature. I need to catch up on my classics or else the contemporary era litt will be stuck on my mind.  That's just how it goes when you're studying different topics at the same time.  Literature and Science are the most interesting topics for me as of now because of how vast they truly are.  For science, it seems that I've got a lot more to learn in astronomy.  There's also the laws of astral physics, which are slightly different from normal physics, besides from the fact that it's on earth.  Thanks to our English teacher, Litt has become more interesting a subject, and yes, Literature's shortcut is Litt.  

My life seems to be going well now.  It's moving slow, but it's well.  I have no qualms, but I do have high ambitions.  My standards are too extreme even for my own.  That's why I use more of my luck rather than my skill when I want to achieve something.  It's because luck factors more for me than the actual skill I have.  Even though I have enough skill to do what everyone can do, I don't have enough of it to become the best.  That is where I am lacking, so I make up for it with my luck.  In fact, my luck can even be considered a superpower because of the situation that my luck suddenly kicks in.  And it usually happens during the most important events when I need it.  But as my graduation comes,  I may need all my luck, skill, and focus to graduate with honors.  I feel my dark side coming closer.  I'm only doing small stuff now, but later I know I'll do large stuff.  I need to control my emotions and not let other people dictate it for me.

I need to make a review of a video game.  I'll find an old video game that's considered a classic and make a review out of it.  If I make a good review, the game deserves to be on the hit list of best video games of all time.  It would help other people decide what game to buy and how to play it.  It could teach people on the difference of a good game, a great game, and a popular game.

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