Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Repercussions of Jeff and Annie

There seem to be people who are against Jeff and Annie, and so they try to pair these two with other characters from the group or from outside. The outside pairing may work, but the inside pairings will not, and here's why

1. Jeff and Britta

If we put Jeff and Britta together, where does that leave Annie? We can't have another Jeff/Annie pairing EVER because then it would seem like Jeff is cheating, especially because him and Annie have a very flirtatious relationship. We could get the Annie/Abed pairing, but that would lead to another problem

2. Annie and Abed

If Annie and Abed are paired, that would leave Troy alone. And if you separate Troy and Abed, you automatically go to my hate list. This is also why Troy and Annie can't be paired up, much like Britta and Troy because it would lead to Troy and Abed spending less time together

3. Annie and Troy

Same reason as the Annie/Abed pairing, I don't want to break Troy and Abed up.

For the next part, here are some reason why Jeff and Annie probably won't work, and I'll provide counterpoints

1. Age difference

I hate that people use this alone to justify why they shouldn't get together. But I understand, because each of them have different wants in life at the moment, and both of them still have some maturing to do before they get what they really want.

2. Their relationship would take a lot of work

With both of them having very high goals, making a relationship work would be hard. Jeff is a lawyer, Annie wants to be a detective. Both want to prove themselves as successful individuals, so they may clash sometimes because of theirjobs.

3. Outside Forces

Jeff is a very jealous person. Annie is more subtle with her jealousy, but she's also a jealous person. Jeff is realistic, Annie is idealistic. When an outside force comes to them, they have to deal with it, and it may lead to problems.


1. Age difference

The difference in their age might help them, especially since their maturity level is the same. Annie has been in a relationship with Vaughn, who was a decade older than her, so she knows a bit about dating older men. Jeff has played the field, he knows what works and what doesn't, and he understands compromise. Both of them have experience with someone who has a different age with them (Annie with Vaughn, Jeff with Amber) so they'll probably try casual before being completely committed.

2. Their relationship could take a lot of work

And since it would take work, they have to do it together. Jeff did say that they are the perfect duet, so them working together could help them. If they are in a relationship purely for the sake of having one, then they really wouldn't work. But they've been friends for 4 years, and the times they worked together benefited everyone. And besides, they're both selfless selfish people. They don't understand it, but what they do to benefit themselves has benefited those around them. So them working for both of their goals, together, is what would make a seemingly hard relationship, easy.

3. Outside Forces

Just like how they should work together to fulfill both of their goals in their relationship, they should also work together for the problems outside of it. With Jeff's experience in age, he could provide a viewpoint for Annie to understand. And with Annie's care for others, she'll help make Jeff decide to do the right thing by providing her understanding of the problem. They're not psychologists or shamans, but these two together could read people better than Britta or just as well as Abed.

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