Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Defined

     Valentine's Day today.  But for me, It's time to get my money. And pay the money I owe...  Damn, that's equals to zero gain zero loss...Sucks...

     Today, I was finally able to share the new mail forum with my groupmates.  Finally, they access to the Thesis I uploaded and stuff.  Good thing they don't know that I actually update a blog.  If they read my previous posts, I am so gonna die.  It has like, some of my secrets.  And Dani is officially my crush.  Yes, I got that idea from Kevin.  And yes, I blame myself for liking the same girl.  Jesus, It's not my fault she caught my attention with her beautiful eyes.  And her long hair.  And her incredible personality.  And her kind attitude.  And her strong, powerful, insults.  Yeah, that last part works for me.

     Too much info.  Anyway, it seems Sleepyfans is officialy down.  Bakuman fever seems to be (pardon the pun) getting cured.  Even don't seem to be reading Bakuman anymore since most awesome reading sites are down.  I would have been happy if Mangafox was down.  But no, they took down Onemanga.com and left it to rot so nobody would use it.  Filthy American Publishers.  If only they updated their manga released in the US, people would have brought their manga.  CURSE YOU!!!!

     New news, Joseph Tan(Mr. Philosopher) is now an official admin of my group.  He got it going on in his mind and he has already been influenced by my genius.  He seems to be the Logic type and can spot errors easily and makes good judgement.  But the problem is, he's just not too aware of his surroundings.  That could be fixed.  Currently, he is handling the Hack and Crack section.  Now all I've got to find is someone who will handle the Disguise and Infiltrate section and the Brash Arm section.