Welcome Dude and Dudettes!!!

Welcome to my blog. I am the more commonly known as Karl. What you are reading contains contents of my life and what I think of stuff around me. Most of the stuff in here are stuff people would usually find in a blog but I also try to review games or food if I feel like it. Anyway, just enjoy, and maybe laugh.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Updates and Updating

       Woah! Blogger had a major update while I was away! And Facebook also had that update regarding the news feed yesterday.  Oh yeah, I also joined Google+ as one of the first few public users.  Of course, I'm not a beta tester (I don't want to try it out at its starting stage, taking care of babies suck) that's why the account I made is very new, but the Gmail used for it is really old already.  I mean, come on, who doesn't have a Gmail? It's like not having a Yahoo mail.  Well anyway, this way of typing in the new blogger feels like a scribd article or something.  Those reading this arty (Wow! That sounds totally lame.) should try out Blogger.  Goddamn interface!  I don't know whether to make my article longer or shorter.  Well anyway, my introductory paragraph is over anyway.  Too much ranting, just so you know.

       Well now, the title of my blog is "Updates and Updating" for a reason.  First part is that there are so many updates happening on the internet nowadays! There's also the updates for my consoles so that they still stay top class.  And then there's the updating.  When I say updating, I mean the reassurance of my networks and patch updates for my Online Game.  There's also the fact the I update my social networks daily now because of (Tada!) Google+'s easy scheme of things!  It looks so much better than Facebook, I got to say.  You can block comments on your posts, have video chat, and edit your pics.  So much advantage.  Anyway, to get back to the topic at hand,  I need to update my PSP.  I mean games for it.  And I don't know what to add.   This sort of problem couldn't be solved that easily anyway.  Choosing a video game for me is always long and arduous hard work.  Sucks to be a video game connosieur.